Medical Residents

Medical Staff

AHS Security Check Requirement for Residents and Post-Graduate Trainees

Under the Protection for Persons in Care Act, Alberta Health Services (AHS) has a legal obligation to ensure that parties engaged in the delivery of care or support services for AHS undergo Security Checks. To meet this legislative requirement, and as a condition of employment or working in an AHS hospital or facility, all Residents and Post Graduate Trainees (PGTs) are required to produce a valid AHS Security Check (AHSSC).

The AHSSC is obtained through your local police agency. All Residents and PGTs will need to apply for the AHSSC in person.

Contact one of the following agencies to apply for your Security Check:

If outside Alberta, your local police service in the jurisdiction where you have resided for the last three months.


  • AHS Calgary Zone Medical Education Office (403-943-1253)
  • U of C PGME
