Breastfeeding Clinic

Lois Hole Hospital for Women

Services Details/Contact Info | For Your Appointment | Parking Information | Finding Us | What to Expect | Patient Resources

Service Details/Contact

View the following service listing to access a service overview, eligibility criteria, hours of operation, contact information and a street map.

For Your Appointment

Remember to bring your child’s Alberta Healthcare card and a piece of photo ID.

Give yourself plenty of time to find parking so you can arrive on time for your clinic appointment.

If you are unable to arrive as expected or need to cancel or rebook the appointment, call the clinic as soon as possible.

Remember to bring your baby with you as the lactation consultant needs to observe your baby as well.

Parking Information

There is a cost for parking, refer to the parking map for rates.

Finding Us

Located at the Royal Alexandra Hospital

We are located on the second floor of the Lois Hole Hospital for Women at the Royal Alexandra Hospital. Enter the main doors of the Lois Hole Hospital for Women and take the elevators up to the second floor, upon exiting the elevator proceed to 2W to check in for your appointment.

What to Expect

An initial appointment length is 60 minutes for one baby and 90 minutes for twins. Follow up appointments are 30 minutes.

It is very important that you arrive on time for your appointment to maximize the time with the lactation consultant.

Patient Resources