Urology Referrals: Submit through FAST

Calgary Zone

As part of the Alberta Surgical Initiative, Calgary Zone urology has joined the Facilitated Access to Specialized Treatment (FAST) program. All new referrals now go to FAST for processing.

FAST is a convenient, one-stop program to connect patients to urologists in the Calgary Zone. FAST will assign patients to a next-available surgeon with the shortest waitlist, to a specific provider or a Calgary clinic or site.

In addition to the launch of FAST, the following resources are available to enhance patient care and to assist physicians in making urology referrals:

The Urology Specialty Access information posted on Specialist LINK (see “Clinical Pathways” tab) allows physicians to view the access pathway for advice, consultations and urgent or emergency care for this specialty. Referring physicians using the Specialist LINK tele-advice service can access a urologist within one hour for guidance on the best course of action for their patient. eReferral Advice Request is also available in the Calgary Zone for non-urgent urology advice through Alberta Netcare, with responses within five calendar days.

The Alberta Referral Directory includes referral information for urology referrals. The Provincial Adult Urology Referral Pathway provides referring physicians with information to assist with the referral process, including recommended labs and diagnostic imaging.