Inspection Disclosure Details

Environmental Public Health

General Details| Operator Details

General Details

Q: What does an online inspection report include?

A: The online inspection report includes:

  • The facility name, phone number, and address
  • Details on violations (unsafe conditions or practices) that were found during the inspection.
  • Whether or not the violation was corrected during the inspection.
  • The report does not include details of conditions or practices that were already safe at the time of inspection.

Note: inspection reports describe issues found at a facility while the public health inspector was onsite. The details shared in an inspection report do not guarantee the condition of a facility at all times.

Q: How do I use the * (wildcard) in the inspection report search field?

A: The wildcard is an advanced search technique that can be used to get more results from your inspection report searches. An asterisk (*) is a wildcard that may be used to specify any number of characters. For example, you can use an asterisk for the parts of a facility name that you are not sure of. Searching for "M*cdonald" will give you Macdonald AND McDonald.

Q: How quickly is an inspection report posted?

A: Inspection reports are typically posted online within 1 business day of the inspection but in some cases may take up to 5 business days.

Q: How long are inspection reports posted?

A: Inspection reports are available online for three years from the date of the inspection. If a business closes or changes ownership, the inspection reports are removed.

Q: What is a recent inspection?

A: Only recent inspections are disclosed on the website.

  • Reports are available for all food facility inspections completed in the past three years, as of today.  This includes food facilities within childcare facilities.
  • Reports for childcare facilities are available for all inspections completed after June 1, 2023. These inspections are posted for 3 years.
  • Reports for pools are available for all inspections completed after March 1, 2023. These inspections are posted for 3 years.
  • Reports for personal services are available for all inspections completed after April 3, 2023. These inspections are posted for 3 years.

All other inspections are available through the formal request process.

Q: How often is a facility inspected by Alberta Health Services?

A: How often a facility is inspected depends on the facility's relative risk and Safe Healthy Environments' resources. Many facilities are targeted to be inspected every 12 months, with more frequent inspections for facilities with a history of non-compliance.

Some facilities including lower-risk food, lower-risk out-of-school care & preschool, and low-risk personal services are only inspected when there is a complaint about the facility.

Q: What are the different types of inspections that are completed by public health inspectors?


  • Initial / Approval – an inspection performed before a facility opens or if there is a new owner to determine if the facility complies with applicable legislation.
  • Monitoring / Routine – an inspection performed without notice to ensure the facility complies with applicable legislation. Most facilities have a routine inspection yearly.
  • Risk Management / Re-inspection - an inspection performed to ensure that unsafe practices and violations noted in previous inspections have been corrected.
  • Demand / Complaint - an inspection performed to follow up on complaints from the public or another agency alleging an unsafe condition or violation.

Q: What does a public health inspector look for when conducting an inspection?

A: A public health inspector looks to see if a facility is following the rules found in public health legislation and standards in Alberta. For details on legislation, please visit our EPH public website legislation information here.

Q: What does a public health inspector do when they find violations at a facility?

A: If a public health inspector finds violations or unsafe practices, they will require the facility owner or operator to fix the problem. The violations and corrections are recorded in an inspection report. Inspectors return to facilities for re-inspections to ensure the violations have been fixed. For more severe violations, AHS may order the facility to be closed until the problems are resolved.

Q: Where can I find closure orders?

A: Closure orders are listed on the AHS Environmental Public Health website.

Q: What if an operator doesn't fix severe problems or has a history of non-compliance?

A: Public health inspectors use a series of enforcement tools to work with operators to fix outstanding violations. This may include education, face-to-face meetings, closure, removal of permits, and prosecution.

Q: Why don't you give facilities a "grade"?

A: An inspection report reflects the conditions found at the time of the inspection. The safety of a particular facility shouldn’t be based on a single inspection. When evaluating the safety of a facility, you should consider the type of violations found, if they are critical, and if they are found repeatedly.

Operator Details

Q: How does posting inspection reports help me as an operator?

A: It provides you, as an owner or operator, the opportunity to showcase your compliance with regulations, which can build public trust and credibility with your customers.

Q: Can I ask for an inspection once I have corrected the violations on my last inspection report?

A: Yes. You can ask an inspector to complete a re-inspection for your business once you have corrected the violations. Inspectors will decide if and when a re-inspection is completed.

Q: Can I ask that details of an inspection at my facility not be posted online?

A: No. Posting inspection reports aligns with the Government of Alberta and AHS's objective of being transparent with operators, partners, and the public. This information has always been available through AHS's request for information process; the change is that AHS has improved its accessibility.

Q: Can I choose what inspection information about my facility is posted online?

A: No. The information posted is the same for all facilities. Personal information about an owner or operator is not disclosed.

Q: If I disagree with the information being posted about my facility, what can I do?

A: Owners and operators can submit an online request for a review of the information being posted. Requests regarding the accidental disclosure of personal information or incorrect information will be investigated and removed if appropriate. Violations found during an inspection will not be removed.

Q: What type of pool facility inspections are posted?

A: Inspections of public pool facilities, such as swimming pools, hot tubs, spray parks, wading pools, and outdoor pools are posted. Public pool facilities include those at hotels and apartment complexes.

Q: What type of childcare facility inspections are posted?

A:Inspections of daycares, out-of-school care programs, preschools and nurseries are posted. These are generally childcare programs providing care to 7 or more children and operated in accordance with the Early Learning and Child Care Act.

Note: some out-of-school care and preschools are considered low risk because they serve older, toilet-trained children, and have limited or no food preparation. These facilities are not inspected on a regular basis but do get an inspection when AHS receives a complaint about the facility. These inspections are also posted online.

Q: What type of personal services facility inspections are posted?

A: All personal services facility inspections are posted including:

  • tattooing
  • body, nose and ear piercing
  • manicure and pedicure
  • facial treatments
  • eyebrow and eyelash esthetics
  • skin and body treatments
  • face and body hair removal
  • laser treatments
  • energy treatments
  • injections
  • cosmetic skin puncturing
  • advanced body modification
  • needle-free injection

Note: some other personal services are considered low risk because they have lower risk of illness or harm. These include make-up application, tanning, spray tanning, hairstyling, barbering, teeth treatments, and light treatments. Facilities that only offer low risk personal services are not inspected on a regular basis but do get an inspection when AHS receives a complaint about the facility. These inspections are also posted online.

Q: What do I do if my business is closed but details of my business are still being posted online?

A: Please contact us online or call 1-833-476-4743 to have your business information updated in our system.