Growing a Career in High Prairie

Tesha, Mental Health Therapist

May 5, 2022

Meet Tesha Joy

Mental Health Therapist

Tesha Joy Plaza is a Mental Health Therapist working in the northern Alberta town of High Prairie. Coming from the metropolis hub of Toronto, Ontario, Tesha Joy has had a unique career journey that brought her to a small rural community. She still enjoys the same hobbies and activities as she did in the city but has found a quieter and more relaxing lifestyle. Learn her story by reading on below.

What made you take the leap to High Prairie after living in Toronto?

The decision to move to Alberta was for professional growth. I have always wanted to register and learn more about diagnosing and formal assessment as a Registered Psychologist. Moving to Alberta and registering with the College of Alberta Psychologists (CAP) allowed me that opportunity. Getting a job with Alberta Health Services (AHS) was something that I did not imagine happening and I am grateful to have this role.

What does a regular day look like for you?

There has been really no significant change in my typical day-to-day being in High Prairie versus in Toronto in terms of my routine. I still wake up early to practice yoga and/or go for a walk to start my day. I spend my day at work, run errands when needed, and make plans after work to unwind. The big difference that I noticed is that I do not have to contend with traffic, reducing stress significantly.

How do you find working in a small town versus in a big city?

So far, the significant difference I’ve noticed is the higher probability of seeing clients in town or meeting them in social gatherings. It has not happened to me yet, but I normally discuss this with clients during the initial session.

How has your lifestyle changed since moving to a rural town?

Life has certainly been less stressful living in a rural town, which I genuinely enjoy. Being outdoors and seeing wild animals is fascinating to me. It is amazing to see herd of deer in your backyard while washing dishes and enjoying a serene weekend. I cannot believe this, but I have certainly enjoyed the winter this year.

The sceneries up north are simply beautiful - seeing the hoar frost, a sea of white covered grounds, and how the sun hits the tree tops, the pastel coloured sky, and the beautiful sunset and sunrise. Now I am enjoying longer days and cannot wait to experience summer in High Prairie. The people here are friendly and from time to time, on a first name basis with clerks. I am enjoying the easy, calm vibe of this rural community.

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