Laboratory Technologist

Detecting disease, monitoring health

Laboratory technologists play a critical role in diagnosis, disease prevention, and public health surveillance.

They perform routine and specialized procedures as they obtain, test, process, and report the results of a variety of specimens including blood, body fluids, tissues, and other environmental samples and to help diagnose illnesses, monitor chronic disease, or aid in epidemiology and research.

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$35.45 - $49.34 per hour

Other benefits


Laboratory technology diploma


  • Perform routine and specialized procedures to analyze samples used in diagnosis, treatment, epidemiology, and research
  • Obtaining, processing, testing, and reporting the results of a variety of specimens including blood, body fluids, tissues, and other environmental samples
  • Work in diverse areas of clinical laboratory medicine, including blood banking, chemistry, hematology, histology, immunology, and microbiology

Make a Difference

  • Aid clinical practitioners in confirming or ruling out diagnoses
  • Help patients and physicians monitoring chronic disease changes
  • Analyzing the effects and/or efficacy of medical therapies
  • Identify any unusual or abnormal findings
  • Provide information and interpretation on sample analysis
  • Inform public health decisions and advice through epidemiology and research

Work Collaboratively

  • Collaborate with various scientific and medical professionals including laboratory technologists, laboratory assistants, other scientific and laboratory professionals, nurses, physicians, therapists, and rehabilitation specialists
  • Work in a variety of facilities, including hospitals, cancer care centres, research facilities, and community and public health labs

Grow Your Career

  • Specialize in particular conditions, disorders, or areas of medical science (e.g. Microbiology, hematology, virology)
  • Teaching/training other technologists
  • Healthcare leadership and management
  • Health system administration
  • Technical leadership opportunities, including lead technologists, technical specialists, research and development technologists, and quality assurance technologists

Alberta Precision Laboratories (APL)

Alberta Precision Laboratories (APL) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of AHS and the sole provider of lab services in Alberta.

Visit the APL website for more information or job board to apply for career opportunities.

Additional Information

To learn more about a career as a laboratory technologist in our province visit Alberta Learning Information Services (ALIS).