Uveal Melanoma

Cancer Care Alberta

The evidence-based recommendations described below outline the standard follow-up procedures for uveal melanoma surveillance and are intended to assist you in providing optimal cancer follow-up care for your patient; these recommendations are not intended to be a substitute for clinical judgement.

Surveillance Activities & Timelines

Primary Care Providers are asked to please continue systemic monitoring of their patient. As part of the minimum recommended follow-up, the patient requires indefinitely:

  • Class 1 and 2: Annual full physical (including skin examination)
  • Class 1 and 2: Annual CBC/liver function tests, chest x-ray
  • Class 1: Abdomen ultrasounds annually
  • Class 2: Imaging every six months consisting of an annual abdomen ultrasound alternating with annual abdomen MRI

Referrals for Recurrence

Patients should be referred back to their treating oncologist.

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Complications & Late Effects of Treatment

The table below outlines some common general complications of cancer treatment:


Year Since Treatment Completion

Complication Actions

Fatigue should start to improve within months of treatment completion.


Persistent or recurrent fatigue warrants further work-up to rule out other potential causes.

For more information please refer to the Cancer-Related Fatigue Guideline.

Consider a referral to Alberta Cancer Exercise Program.

Psychosocial Distress

Increasing helplessness/hopelessness, distress, anxiety or depression may be present.

Patients experiencing these symptoms should be encouraged to inform their oncology treatment team for appropriate psychosocial referral.


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Physician Support

Specialist Link (Calgary/Southern Alberta)

ConnectMD (Edmonton/Northern Alberta)

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Note: The information on this page was adapted from the AHS Guideline Resource Unit's Uveal Melanoma Guideline, as well as the accompanying Uveal Melanoma Class 1 Cancer Transfer of Care Physician Letter and Uveal Melanoma Class 2 Transfer of Care Physician.