Cancer Epidemiology & Prevention Research

Cancer Research & Analytics

Woman stretching

Reducing Cancer Burden Through Innovative Epidemiologic Research

Cancer Epidemiology & Prevention Research (CEPR) scientists are focused on reducing cancer burden at the population and individual level. Studying the population at large, they use a broad range of data – including demographic, medical, biologic, genetic, and physiologic data as well as information on lifestyle, occupational and environmental exposures – to track how cancer develops and how risk may be reduced.

Through observational and experimental studies, CEPR research spans the entire cancer continuum from etiology and prevention, through to treatment and survivorship.

Major projects include:

  • The ComPARe study, examining the number of cancer cases in Canada now and to 2042, that could be prevented through modifiable factors like diet, physical activity, obesity and smoking, infectious elements and environmental exposures
  • The Alberta Moving Beyond Breast Cancer (AMBER) cohort study, that is examining how physical activity and fitness are related to long-term survival after breast cancer
  • Addressing higher cancer rates in Indigenous Peoples by assessing participation in breast, cervical and colorectal cancer screening programs
  • The Alberta Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Survivor Study is following almost 25,000 young cancer survivors diagnosed between the ages of 15-39, to assess their long-term healthcare needs and outcomes
  • Evaluating the impact of carcinogenic exposures, such as radiation, chemicals, or exhausts, in the workplace to reduce the risk of cancer
  • Examining the impact of obesity, physical activity and sedentary behavior on future cancer risk and patient outcomes in cancer survivors, in particular the value of exercise as “prehabilitation” for better survival through cancer treatment

Learn more about CEPR’s ongoing research at