Patient Feedback Form

Alberta Health Services values your feedback.

The online patient feedback form is one way you can share concerns, compliments, or suggestions with the Patient Relations department.

We encourage you to read the section: What Can I Expect When I Share Feedback before you submit your concern, compliment, or suggestion.

  • If you need health care advice call Health Link at 811 from anywhere in Alberta. If outside the province call 1-866-408-5465.
  • If this is an emergency proceed to your local emergency services or hospital or call Emergency Medical Services at 911.

If you wish to say thanks to the people who cared for you visit Thank a Care Team.

​If you are having trouble using this form email Patient Relations at

* indicates a required field

Your Information
I am
Patient/Client name

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Type of Feedback

AHS protects the privacy of individuals receiving health services in accordance with the Health Information Act (HIA). To properly review and resolve any issues, we work with the patient, or an authorized representative (usually a close family member), to gather and share information about the services received in compliance with the Patient Concerns Resolution Process Regulation 28/2016.

Personal or health information collected will only be used for the purpose of tracking, follow up, communications and trending regarding your health experience concern. Information is collected pursuant to section 33 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP) and under the authority of Section 20(b) of the Health Information Act (HIA) for the purpose of administering AHS' patient complaint and feedback program. For more information, or if you have questions or concerns about the collection, use or disclosure of your health information please contact Patient Relations at 1-855-550-2555 or Email: