Compassionate Exemption from Federal Quarantine for International Travellers


Last Updated: June 2, 2022

The Government of Canada and AHS have established application processes for individuals wanting a limited release from federally required quarantine to visit a patient who is critically ill or at the end-of-life.

Requesting a Compassionate Exemption

For travellers who are required to quarantine upon arrival in Canada, the Government of Canada has an online application process for those seeking a limited release from quarantine for compassionate reasons. This includes visiting a patient/resident who is receiving critical care for a life-threatening illness and/or imminent end-of-life care, or to allow the traveller to attend a funeral or celebration of life event. Follow these steps to request this exemption:

Fully Immunized Travellers

For fully immunized travellers, the Government of Canada has exemptions from quarantine if you meet specific conditions. Before you travel, see if you qualify. If you have received a federal exemption, there are no quarantine requirements. However, before entering a healthcare site:

Travellers who become symptomatic, COVID-19 positive or become a close contact of a positive or probable case of COVID-19 are not eligible to enter AHS or Covenant sites even if fully immunized and with an approved exemption as they are required to isolate under CMOH Order.

Partially Immunized and Non-Immunized Travellers

For partially and non-immunized travellers, the Government of Canada accepts applications for an exemption from quarantine. Before you travel, complete the following steps to submit an application:

  1. Speak with the patient/resident and/or their alternate decision maker to determine if they are supportive of your visit;
  2. If the patient and/or their alternate decision maker agree for you to visit, contact the service area and request to speak with a member of the patient’s healthcare team and ask for assistance with the exemption application;
  3. A member of the patient’s healthcare team will forward your request to a site administrator who will work with you to complete the following:
  4. Once complete, you must submit the Government of Canada forms to the Government of Canada’s portal;
  5. You will then be informed of the decision by the Government of Canada;
  6. If you are approved, you must confirm the approval with the AHS or Covenant site administrator who assisted with your application. An AHS or Covenant representative will then work with you and a representative from Infection Prevention and Control to arrange visitation.

Travellers who become symptomatic, COVID-19 positive or become a close contact of a positive or probable case of COVID-19 are not eligible to enter AHS or Covenant sites even with an approved exemption as they are required to isolate under public health CMOH Order.