Public invited to participate in online healthcare discussions

December 19, 2016

RED DEER – Alberta Health Services (AHS), in partnership with Alberta Health, is initiating conversations across Central and Calgary Zones to look at the delivery of health services in 2031 and beyond.

A public blog on AHS’ website invites all community members across both zones to share their perspectives and participate in conversations about how healthcare could be structured in 15 years.

The blog site builds upon in-person meetings that have taken place across both zones through late November and early December. These included visioning sessions, smaller group workshops and meetings that involved community members (including individuals typically under-represented in formal engagement activities), health partners and stakeholders. They were asked to examine ways to co-design and co-deliver a sustainable, quality health system that promotes healthy communities and provides appropriate access to services, programs and facilities across Alberta.

“We are exploring new, innovative ways to structure and deliver care,” says Kerry Bales, Chief Zone Officer, Central Zone. “It’s important that we work together because the healthcare model of the future involves more community-based services and shared opportunities between AHS and community partners.”

Projections of health service delivery in 15 years show an increase in older demographics and more chronic health conditions.

“In the healthcare system of the future, the emphasis might be preventative and proactive measures that keep Albertans healthier, which will help our children and grandchildren,” says Sandy Doze, Chair of the David Thompson Health Advisory Council. “It’s also expected that health services will be more community-based.”

Opportunities for community member input will continue throughout the year-long planning process. The feedback and ideas will contribute to informing a high-level health system strategy proposal, which will be further developed in 2017.

AHS is currently focusing long-range planning efforts on Central and Calgary Zones. Similar planning in Edmonton Zone is ongoing. Long-range planning for North and South Zones will follow. For more information on how you can be involved, please contact or join the conversation at  

Alberta Health Services is the provincial health authority responsible for planning and delivering health supports and services for more than four million adults and children living in Alberta. Its mission is to provide a patient-focused, quality health system that is accessible and sustainable for all Albertans.

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For media inquiries, contact:

Aric Johnson
AHS Communications