Influenza immunization program update: Central Zone

January 27, 2014

RED DEER – Using additional doses of influenza vaccine secured by Alberta Health, Alberta Health Services (AHS) will now be offering influenza vaccine to all children who turned, or will turn, six months of age, on or after December 1, 2013, through to March 31, 2014.

Influenza vaccine also continues to be offered to all children less than nine years of age who received a first dose of influenza vaccine already this season, and still require a second dose this season. Children (less than nine years of age) receiving influenza vaccine for the first time this season require two doses, this season, to be fully immunized.

Parents of children in either of the above noted groups can call Health Link Alberta, or their local Public Health Office, for information on accessing the vaccine for their child.

Although influenza vaccine is no longer available for Albertans outside of the above noted two groups, all Albertans are encouraged to continue their vigilance in preventing the further spread of illness in our communities by following preventative precautions:

Alberta Health Services is the provincial health authority responsible for planning and delivering health supports and services for more than four million adults and children living in Alberta. Its mission is to provide a patient-focused, quality health system that is accessible and sustainable for all Albertans.

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