New Influenza Champion site launched

October 20, 2014 provides platform to voice support for immunization

SOUTH ZONE – Albertans who arm themselves against influenza this season now have the opportunity to share their story - and encourage others to follow suit – via a new Alberta Health Services website,

Launched today to coincide with the start of Alberta's publicly funded influenza immunization program, the site provides a fun and interactive spot for immunized Albertans - also known as Influenza Champions - to express their reasons for joining the battle against influenza.

"When you get immunized this season, you are an Influenza Champion," says South Zone Medical Officer of Health Dr. Karin Goodison. "Your actions have protected your own health, and are contributing to a healthier Alberta."

Accessible on both desktop and mobile platforms, the website allows users to submit their own Influenza Champ notes and also see the notes submitted by fellow Albertans. The notes - which are shareable through Twitter and Facebook – can be viewed in a standard post-to-page format, or in a map view. It is the map view that will come to illustrate the impact of Albertans as they arm themselves and their communities against influenza.

"We hope to see this site used as a first-person advocacy board,” says Dr. Goodison. “Albertans should never underestimate the difference they can make as an individual. We want Albertans to recognize the power of their own vocal support for immunization, and to use their voice to encourage others to get out and get immunized."

“Our call to action is simple: join the influenza battle today. Get your influenza immunization, and tell us why at”

Albertans can find detailed influenza immunization clinic schedules at or by calling Health Link Alberta at 1.866.408.5465.

Alberta Health Services is the provincial health authority responsible for planning and delivering health supports and services for more than four million adults and children living in Alberta. Its mission is to provide a patient-focused, quality health system that is accessible and sustainable for all Albertans.

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