New family physician now practicing in Grimshaw

May 27, 2014

GRIMSHAW — Local and area residents have improved access to primary care with the recent arrival of a new family physician.

Dr. Laresa Marx – called Dr. Laresa by her patients and colleagues – is a general practitioner who is practicing at the Grimshaw Medical Clinic.

“I’m pleased to welcome Dr. Laresa to the community,” says Hector Goudreau, MLA for Dunvegan-Central Peace-Notley.

“Physician recruitment is a challenge nationwide. Dr. Laresa’s arrival is further evidence that the Government of Alberta, Alberta Health Services and our community partners are making steady progress in recruiting health providers to northern Alberta.”

Dr. Karen Lundgard, Community Medical Director for Grimshaw, says Dr. Laresa’s arrival is great news for local residents.

“Now that she and her husband are settled into the community, we look forward to seeing how her practice will help increase local access to primary care and support the local medical team,” says Dr. Worry.

In the AHS North Zone, three physician resource planners are dedicated to identifying and pursuing international and domestic physician recruitment opportunities. They work closely with various community partners and organizations, such as local Health Advisory Councils, the Rural Physician Action Plan, and independent community physician recruitment and retention committees.

“Our committee has been extremely involved for some time in physician recruitment for the area. We’re a hard working group and we’re grateful for the support that AHS’ staff provides in helping us tackle what can be a difficult process at times,” says Nels Nelson, chair of the Grimshaw Regional Health Care Recruitment and Retention Committee.

“What Dr. Laresa’s arrival means for the community is another full-time doctor, a very good one, who’s known by another doctor in the community. In a short amount of time, she’s already become quite busy. Her arrival will really help the residents in the area, not just in Grimshaw, have access to a family physician.”

Dr. Laresa received her medical degree from the University of Pretoria in South Africa and completed her residency in Polokwane, the capital of the Limpopo province in South Africa. She has several interests outside of medicine including travel, cooking and baking, knitting, crocheting and reading.

Her husband, Peet, is very excited about his role as a pastor at a local church and the two are looking to become pet owners. They are also looking forward to making new friends and getting involved in community projects.

“Dr. Laresa is a very passionate individual and a great fit for the Grimshaw community,” says Susan Smith, North Zone physician resource planner. “It’s been a pleasure working with the Grimshaw Regional Health Care Recruitment and Retention Committee throughout the recruitment process. They are an example of community engagement at its finest.”

Alberta Health Services is the provincial health authority responsible for planning and delivering health supports and services for more than four million adults and children living in Alberta. Its mission is to provide a patient-focused, quality health system that is accessible and sustainable for all Albertans.

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