A Smile or Two tickles funny bones

July 5, 2021

Jerry Fry, left, started a newsletter chock full of jokes and humour, A Smile or Two, to cheer up his good friend and fellow resident Joe Wysocki, at Shepherd’s Care – Kensington in Edmonton.

Jerry Fry, left, started a newsletter chock full of jokes and humour, A Smile or Two, to cheer up his good friend and fellow resident Joe Wysocki, at Shepherd’s Care – Kensington in Edmonton. Photo supplied.

Senior’s newsletter goes global, brings laughter and cheer to his peers

Story by Kim Jackson

Like a teenager in school, 79-year-old Jerry Fry started passing notes to his friend in their Edmonton care home while they were isolating in the spring of 2020. Since then, what started as a page of jokes to cheer up his friend has grown into a weekly newsletter that’s now being shared with seniors all over the world.

“Joe and I had become friends and when COVID started, I was worried about him because we were (feeling) isolated,” Fry said from the Shepherd’s Care – Kensington site in Edmonton. “That’s when I got out my computer to find some jokes. I printed them off and got the person who delivers my groceries to take it to him.”

Before COVID, Fry and Joe Wysocki, 88, started walking together twice a day to stay active, and keep each other company. It wasn’t long after the pandemic began that the loneliness set in for them both. Compiling the notes gave Fry something to do and Wysocki something to look forward to.

“We changed the atmosphere in here,” Wysocki said. “Laughing takes away the stress and brings down the blood pressure.”

People are laughing a lot more now that Fry’s newsletter has gone viral. Residents and staff all over the building have been sharing the newsletter with their networks in places as far away as Australia and the U.K.

“COVID has really affected the quality of life for seniors,” Fry said. “I figured if I could put out something to make people smile, well that’s a good thing.”

The newsletter, now entitled A Smile or Two and emailed out weekly, contains jokes, memes, photos, and inspirational stories. It’s usually about four pages, and it focuses on things that seniors may be interested in.

Fry’s goal is to share it with as many seniors, no matter where they live, to make them smile and to make them feel like they are not alone.

To sign up for the newsletter, email Jerry Fry at cheerfuljerry@gmail.com.