Green initiative lights up Galahad

September 22, 2020

Registered nurse Angela Bownes, left, Galahad Care Centre resident Doug Bush, and recreation therapist Alana Kuefler say they appreciate the new energy-efficient lighting at the centre.

Registered nurse Angela Bownes, left, Galahad Care Centre resident Doug Bush, and recreation therapist Alana Kuefler say they appreciate the new energy-efficient lighting at the centre. Photo supplied

“I’m proud to be part of a project that makes for a healthier environment for all,” says Harry Vandermeer, executive director of the Office of Sustainability and Energy Management for AHS.

“I’m proud to be part of a project that makes for a healthier environment for all,” says Harry Vandermeer, executive director of the Office of Sustainability and Energy Management for AHS. Photo supplied.

LED energy-savings project promotes sustainability, patient experience

Story by Tracy Kennedy

Physicians, staff and residents at the Galahad Care Centre have an even healthier glow than usual these days.

Thanks to the Green ’n’ Healthy Buildings Initiative, all interiors of this Alberta Health Services (AHS) facility in the Central Zone have been retrofitted with LED lighting. Between November 2019 and April of this year, all 1,360 lights were replaced with their low-energy alternative, while all old lamps and ballasts were recycled.

Thanks to these upgrades, Galahad Care Centre has reduced electricity consumption by 84 per cent — and shaved $12,054 a year off the power bill.

Other benefits include:

“I’m proud to be part of a project that makes for a healthier environment for all,” says Harry Vandermeer, Executive Director of the Office of Sustainability and Energy Management for AHS.

“In addition to reducing utility consumption, costs and emissions, we have, most importantly, enhanced the quality and safety of the space for an improved patient experience.”

The Office of Sustainability and Energy Management advances AHS’ role as an active corporate leader in environmental sustainability and introduces initiatives to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions, environmental footprint and costs.

Other initiatives spearheaded by the office have included water-to-drain compressor upgrades and energy monitoring. The office has saved AHS hundreds of thousands of dollars — money which has been redirected to healthcare.

“We’ve heard very positive feedback from staff and residents,” says Katrina Smith, care manager of Galahad Care Centre. “The lighting improves the overall atmosphere, bringing a natural daylight feel and more energy to the unit.”

With sustainability and the patient experience at the forefront of this initiative, the facility’s future looks bright in Galahad.