Training & Reporting

Safe Care, Together

Training | Reporting

Healthcare workers are four times more likely to experience harassment and violence at work than other professions.


AHS offers harassment and violence training for all workers including employees, medical and midwifery staff, students and volunteers. Learn how to appropriately respond to an incident of harassment or violence by taking the training that is appropriate to your role.

AHS Employees | Medical Staff | Students | Volunteers

AHS Employees

In addition to the Required Organizational Learning (ROL): Respectful Workplaces & the Prevention of Harassment & Violence policy course that all staff must complete once, there are two more levels of harassment and violence training available. To obtain proof of course completion for Required Organizational Learning, AHS employees should access training through MyLearningLink, accessible on Insite.

Medical Staff

Medical staff can access all three levels of harassment and violence training. To obtain proof of course completion for Required Organizational Learning, medical staff with current AHS credentials must complete these courses on MyLearningLink, accessible on Insite.

Students & Instructors

Only applicable to students and instructors who are starting or currently in a placement with AHS.

All students and instructors are required to complete the Required Organizational Learning: Respectful Workplaces and Prevention of Harassment and Violence policy course before starting a placement with AHS. Students and instructors in a current placement must complete this course by September 1. Speak to your preceptor about additional training and other required prerequisites.


Important – We recommend you complete this course while logged into an AHS computer or while accessing the AHS intranet from a personal device once you receive your AHS network login credentials. To learn how to log into AHS from a non-AHS computer, please refer to the How To Log Into AHS from a Non-AHS Computer. For the best experience, we also recommend that you complete this course using Microsoft Edge in Windows 10 or Google Chrome on a desktop or laptop computer.

To submit your course completion record, print the completion certificate found at the end of the course and submit it to your post-secondary placing coordinator.


For questions about:


Volunteers should reach out to your placement liaison or Volunteer Resources for training.


If you are an AHS employee who experiences workplace aggression or violence, tell your supervisor immediately and report the incident in MySafetyNet

If you are a member of AHS medical staff, a volunteer, student or contractor, report an incident to your leader.

© 2023, Alberta Health Services, Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention Program
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Legal Disclaimer
This training material is intended for general information only and is provided on an "as is", "where is" basis. Although reasonable efforts were made to confirm the accuracy of the information, Alberta Health Services does not make any representation or warranty, express, implied or statutory, as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness, applicability or fitness for a particular purpose of such information. This material is not a substitute for the advice of a qualified health professional. Alberta Health Services expressly disclaims all liability for the use of these materials, and for any claims, actions, demands or suits arising from such use.