
Addiction & Mental Health (AMH), Information for Health Professionals

Professional Development & Training

Enter search terms to help find opportunities to meet your needs. AHS staff should also search MyLearningLink.

Title Description
Alberta Opioid Dependency Treatment (ODT) Virtual Training Program Provides training for prescribers and allied health care providers involved in treating opioid use disorder. Includes interactive elearning modules, subject matter expert (SME) video recordings, and entrustable professional activity simulations (EPA-Sims).
Calgary Clinical Psychology Residency Information about our pre-doctoral residency program, as well as information related to the careers in Psychology.
Community Based Naloxone Program Includes staff training, how to order kits, how to submit monthly reports, and how to report kit use. Includes videos, forms, printables, training kit and FAQs for distribution sites and pharmacy staff.
Concurrent Disorders (CD) Learning Series Series is a comprehensive inventory of academic videos from provincial, national, and international subject matter/clinical experts to support the clinical development of AMH’s diverse workforce in responding to the needs of individuals experiencing concurrent disorders.
Global Appraisal of Individual Need - Short Screener (GAIN-SS) eLearning Module Overview of the Global Appraisal of Individual Needs-Short Screener (GAIN-SS) and how to administer, analyze and interpret the scoring results
Edmonton Consortium Clinical Psychology Residency Predoctoral training program for psychologists.
Knowledge Bites Lunch & Learn Series Intended for evaluators, researchers, decision makers, health professionals, and others with an interest in Addiction & Mental Health-related evidence topics. Quarterly event with guest speaker presenting latest findings from a completed evaluation, research or quality improvement project relevant to the field of Addiction & Mental Health, specifically highlighting the implications for practice. Archived presentations available.
Mental Health & Substance Use Collaborative Initiatives Education and consultation for Alberta professionals working in child and adolescent addictions and mental health.
Provincial Addiction Curricula & Experiential Skills (PACES) Training Advances learners from a basic understanding to a mastery of the competencies required in the assessment and treatment of primary addiction and / or psychiatric comorbidities. Offers online modules; EPA-Sims and CME Certificates.
Psychosocial Disaster Learning Series Five chapters of this learning series will provide participants with a refresher to a disaster psychosocial approach known as Psychological First Aid (PFA).
Psychological First Aid Refresher Mini module is a refresher session for those who have taken the virtual 2-hour Psychological First Aid (PFA) for a Pandemic – Child; Youth & Family webinar. Tips for supporting children; youth; and families during and after a disaster or emergency. This program is not intended to replace PFA training; but is to be used as a pre-deployment refresher of the skills you learned during your original training.
Suicide Prevention; Risk Assessment & Management (SPRAM) Learning Web-based; interactive e-Learning series designed to respond to the foundational learning needs of health practitioners working in Addiction & Mental Health (AMH). SPRAM consists of seven (7) sequential learning modules.
Tobacco, Vaping & Cannabis Program Resources, training and tools are available to support health professionals helping clients who use these products stop when they are ready.
Trauma Training Initiative Provides a foundational understanding of the principles of trauma informed care; and the role it plays in supporting the health and recovery of individuals who have experienced traumatic events. Work through 6 modules; AHS staff should take these modules via MyLearningLink.