Who We Are

Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital

Our History

The official opening of the Glenrose Provincial General Hospital was held on August 14, 1964. The former Royal Alexandra Hospital space was provided to the Glenrose to create a new provincial hospital for specialized rehabilitation.

  • In 1980, the Glenrose proceeded with plans for a new building (GlenWest).
  • In 1983, the Glenrose Provincial General Hospital was re-named as the Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital.
  • In 1988, construction of the GlenWest building commenced and two years later, the move to the GlenWest, 208-bed building was completed.
  • In 2009, the Glenrose celebrated its 45th Anniversary.
  • In 2014, the Glenrose celebrated its 50th Anniversary with June 20th being declared as Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital day by His Worship Mayor Don Iveson.

To see how the GRH has changed over the years, view collage.

GRH Today

The Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital is a 244-bed tertiary rehabilitation facility that provides specialized physical rehabilitation and therapeutic services to patients of all ages, with interdisciplinary teams that include 16 clinical disciplines.

Our complex rehabilitation approaches are supported by cutting-edge research and innovation, technology development and academic teaching. Our primary focus at the Glenrose is enabling patients with impairments or disabilities to reach and achieve their optimal physical, sensory, psychological, spiritual, and social functional levels.

Many of the services that are provided at the Glenrose, are unique to the Edmonton Zone, province, and country, as the Glenrose is the only free-standing, tertiary level physical rehabilitation facility in Canada. We offer both inpatient and outpatient programs. Learn more by visiting programs and services.