Going Home Reflections

Finding Work/Life Balance

Going Home Reflections can help. Created for school staff by a teacher, these brief and simple actions can help you let go of your workday.

Practice a new reflection each week, at the end of seven weeks use the Letting Go of the Workday template to list ideas for leaving work at work.

If you need support, call the 24/7 Mental Health Helpline: 1-877-303-2642.

Going Home Reflection #1

As your workday comes to a close, take a few moments to reflect.


Acknowledge one thing that went well today.


Try a moment of mindfulness:

health concern for yourself or a child

Primary Care Providers

Going Home Reflection #2

As your workday comes to a close, take a few moments to reflect.


Acknowledge one thing that was difficult and let it go.


Try a moment of mindfulness:

Going Home Reflection #3

As your workday comes to a close, take a few moments to reflect.


Acknowledge one thing that went well today.


Try a moment of mindfulness:

Addiction & Mental Health support

Addiction & Mental Health support

Going Home Reflection #4

As your workday comes to a close, take a few moments to reflect.


Make a connection that matters to you.


Try a moment of mindfulness:

Going Home Reflection #5

As your workday comes to a close, take a few moments to reflect.


Focus your attention on going home to rest and recharge.


Try a moment of mindfulness:

Dementia Advice

Rehabilitation Advice Line

Going Home Reflection #6

As your workday comes to a close, take a few moments to reflect.


Notice three good things in the moment as you make your way home.


Try a moment of mindfulness:

Going Home Reflection #7

As your workday comes to a close, take a few moments to reflect.


Use all the strategies that you've practiced over the past 6 weeks, in one.

  • Acknowledge one thing that went well today.
  • Acknowledge one thing that was difficult and let it go.
  • Be proud of the care and attention you gave today.
  • Make a connection that matters to you.
  • Focus your attention on going home to rest and recharge.
  • Notice three good things in the moment as you make your way home.


Try a moment of mindfulness:

Rehabilitation Advice Line

Rehabilitation Advice Line

Letting Go of the Workday

Use the template to list ideas that you can use to help leave your workday at work.

Revisit any of the reflections, whenever you like.

Moment of Mindfulness

If you enjoyed listening to a moment of mindfulness at the end of your day, try these apps:

Did You Enjoy the Going Home Reflections?

Originally created for school staff, we are glad you enjoyed the above reflections and activities. The program can also be adapted for any workplace, visit ahs.ca/ghrtoolkit to access the online toolkit and resources.