IM/IT Strategy

(Information Management/Information Technology)

The overarching goal of the IM/IT strategy is to make the right information available to the right people at the right time across the health system, so that health care providers can rely on the data to make meaningful decisions to improve health care for Albertans.

Up-to-date, reliable information and timely, evidence-based decision support contributes to more consistent patient care, fewer delays, and effective transitions between care providers. Albertans also want information that will allow them to assume greater control and responsibility for their own care.

The IM/IT Strategy aims to find more efficient, effective, and affordable ways for AHS to provide the highest-quality care with the most accurate information.

In addition to patient care improvements, information technology has the potential to enable research and innovation by harnessing information collected during care delivery to support a learning organization. Managing our information and technology better is not simply about adding new technology; it’s about fundamental changes to how we provide healthcare.

Aligning with the AHS Business Plan, the Information Management and Information Technology (IM/IT) Strategy outlines how Alberta Health Services will invest in IM/IT over coming years to support better quality health care in Alberta.

The IM/IT strategy focuses on three broad objectives:

  1. Strengthen the Foundation - improve understanding and use of technology, provide reliable infrastructure and info-structure, enhance security of information.
  2. Optimize Operations - make investments which provide best value, support critical services, and improve access and flow of information.
  3. Transform Care - empower Albertans to participate in their health with better access to records and communication with providers; better clinical decision support tools at the point of care and learning and innovation which drives long-term improvement in the health system.

Aligning AHS’ Foundational Strategies

The work undertaken as part of the IM/IT Strategy aligns and strengthens our ability to deliver on AHS’ Foundational Strategies.

The IM/IT Strategy will support Albertans to take ownership of their health and care by giving them access to their own health information. Empowering patients and families is central to our Patient First Strategy and will help them better understand and navigate their health care journey.

By providing the right information and the best practices at the point of care, we are supporting our people to work at their full scope of practice, as part of multidisciplinary care teams. This contributes to our People Strategy’s aim to empower staff.

The information we collect will also be used to help us become a learning health system and accelerate the pace of innovation. This supports our Strategy for Clinical Health Research, Innovation and Analytics, which focuses on generating, sharing and using evidence in the delivery of care to improve patient outcomes and solve the complex challenges affecting the health system.

Comments or questions?

If you have any questions about the strategy or its implementation, contact