Provincial Initiatives

Linen & Environmental Services

Auditing for Excellence

Auditing for Excellence, or AFE, is our quality auditing program. This program allows our teams to complete audits to assess the level of cleanliness within all of our AHS facilities. There are two types of audits performed, a visual assessment audit and an ultra-violet marker audit. There are a variety of elements within our spaces that are audited on a routine basis that support our teams in providing clean and safe environments.

Policy, Practice & Standardization

Policy & Practice

We have an established Policy & Practice Framework that supports the development of new and the revision of existing provincial policy and practice documents. These documents establish the core practices and processes for activities within Linen & Environmental Services department. We have more than 50 practice documents that help support our day-to-day work activities and to ensure our staff has the necessary tools to do their jobs successfully.


To ensure a consistent and reliable service, we have made great strides in standardizing cleaning and disinfection products across all of our AHS sites.