Neurogenetics Clinic

Neurogenetic Conditions

Neurogenetic conditions refer to genetic disorders that affect the brain and nerves. These conditions can result in a variety of different problems such as seizures, abnormal movements, cognitive deficits, weakness, numbness, gait and balance problems, and numbness.

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There are several research studies being conducted through the University of Alberta in the area of neurogenetics.

We are currently recruiting for two studies on HD:

  1. Enroll-HD: A Prospective Registry Study in a Global Huntington’s Disease (HD) Cohort
  2. Gangliosides in Huntington’s Disease: From Bench to Clinics and Back.

We are also recruiting for a study on the Diagnosis and Genetic Causes of Hereditary Spastic Paraparesis. We encourage patients to ask us what opportunities might be available to them.