Vulcan sets a nutritious table

March 10, 2016

Healthy Moms, Healthy Babies gives families a great start

Kerri Rombough and her two-year-old daughter Emma sort through a subsidized fresh food box, part of the Healthy Moms, Healthy Babies program in Vulcan.

Story by Kerri Robins; photo courtesy of Glacier Valley Photography

VULCAN — Cooking up some health and wellness with its Healthy Moms, Healthy Babies program is definitely and deliciously on the menu for The Vulcan Community Health Centre.

Local mother Kerri Rombough readily admits she’s picked up a thing or two about creating healthy habits for herself and her three kids.

“The program is great and I’ve learned so much being part of it,” says Rombough, holding her third child, two-year-old Emma.

“Every month we receive a fresh food box with really tasty fruits and vegetables — Emma’s favourites are oranges and apples.”

Public Health nurses Liz Sansome and Marnie Steiner run the program at the health centre.

“The program in Vulcan is free for any pregnant teen, as well as women living on a low income,” says Sansome.

The program promotes three main goals: healthy weights for mom during pregnancy and their infants up to six months; positive maternal mental health; and child safety, both prenatal and during the first six months of life.

Moms can be referred through community services, their family doctor, a family member or, in some cases, by self-referral.

There are plenty of smart calories in this program for the whole family, with everything from subsidized fresh food boxes, food coupons and parenting education sessions to breast-feeding advice, counselling services and crisis help.

Moms also have the opportunity to learn how to manage finances, control debt and may receive help to secure grants for their education.

Rombough says she has nothing but praise for the program.

“As a single mom, it’s been nice learning so much about nutrition for my family,” she says. “Understanding the importance of health and wellness during children’s early years has been valuable, and I’ll certainly take that information with me and build on it as my family grows up.”

The fresh food boxes cost client’s about $10 for a 20-pound box or $15 for a 30-pound box, with the remainder subsidized by the Vulcan Health Care Auxiliary. Prices vary according to what produce is available.

Scott Mitchell, Chair of the Vulcan County Health & Wellness Foundation, says he’s pleased with the program and the hands-on care moms and babies in the community are receiving.

“It’s a great grassroots program and is important for our families who might not have other support in the community,” says Mitchell. “Our community helps make it a success.”

For more information on Healthy Moms, Healthy Babies in Vulcan, call 403-485-2285, or your local community health centre. Also, please visit