Get Naloxone

We advise you phone ahead to confirm your preferred distribution site’s hours of operation and naloxone kit availability.

Find your zone, view the AHS Zone Map

Naloxone is a drug that temporarily reverses effects of an opioid poisoning or overdose.

There are over 2,000 sites in Alberta, where anyone can pick up a kit free of charge. Training is available wherever kits are provided. Kits can be obtained anonymously.

Naloxone is not a substitute for emergency medical support. Always call 911 call when administering naloxone.

If you are an employer or worker looking for a naloxone kit, visit Workers administering injectable naloxone for information on naloxone as part of job duties.

Pharmacies Carrying Naloxone Kits

Community Sites Carrying Naloxone Kits

Harm Reduction Agencies

For training and setting up a naloxone program visit the Community Based Naloxone Program.

Find a Naloxone Kit

View our interactive map of pharmacies and walk-in clinics carrying Naloxone Kits:

naloxone map