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Programs & Services

I CAN Centre for Assistive Technology Service, Adults

Helps people with special needs, their families, caregivers, community teams and others find and learn how to use technology for everyday tasks.

Technology might include:

  • specialized equipment
  • computer software and applications
  • other tools, such as word / picture boards
  • strategies that are used by both clients and the people around them

Services include assessment, consultation, training, and follow-up relating to:

  • communication technology to help people interact with others, if they have problems with face-to-face communication
  • technology and software to help people use computers , when they can't use a standard mouse and keyboard
  • equipment and software to help people read, if they have problems reading text on their own
  • software and devices that help people write, when they have trouble with printing / handwriting Equipment to help people control their environment, like phones or lights
  • special power mobility equipment so that people can control their wheelchairs on their own, when they can’t use a standard joystick

Contact Details

Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital

Location Info
Room 38, Level 0 GlenEast
10230 111 Avenue NW
Edmonton, Alberta
T5G 0B7

Accessible and public parking are available on designated surface and underground parking stalls.

Pay by plate parking is available.

Ramps and wheelchair accessible washrooms.

Getting There

Parking map


Hours of Operation
Days of the Week

8:00 am - 4:15 pm

8:00 am - 4:15 pm

8:00 am - 4:15 pm

8:00 am - 4:15 pm

8:00 am - 4:15 pm

Service Providers May Include
biomedical engineering technologists, occupational therapists (OTs), physical therapists (PTs), rehabilitation engineers, special education teachers, speech-language pathologists, therapy assistants

Clients must work with the community service providers first to see if any other strategies or tools can meet their needs. If more specialized equipment is needed, the client can be referred to the service.

Service Access

Healthcare providers should consult the Alberta Referral Directory for service referral information.

Wait Times

An estimated wait time will be provided at the time of appointment booking.


There may be a cost for equipment. The service can provide clients with forms to apply for help to pay for the costs. Alberta Aids to Daily Living (AADL) only helps pay for Speech Generating Communication Devices (SGCDs) and power wheelchairs.

Service Languages
Interpreter/Translation services
Also Known As
Assistive Technology Service, Adult
Assistive Device Service, Glenrose I CAN Centre for Assistive Technology