People With Communication Needs, Families & Communities

Communication Access

If you need help finding services to address communication needs call 811 or search the AHS Service Directory.

Here you will find information to help you:

Preparing for a Visit to AHS

Whether you are visiting a hospital or healthcare provider, there are steps you can take to help you prepare to communicate.

Before You Visit

Before your visit consider accessing the following resources from Communication Disabilities Access Canada.

  • Tips for Hospital In-patient settings
  • Making a Communication Access Card
  • Accessibility check list
  • Communication Tips
  • Communicating about accessibility needs
  • Hospital In-Patent Services

What to Bring

Think about helpful tools you may want to bring with you to help communicate. You can also print tools from our Communication Kit for Healthcare.

The AHS Basic Needs Communication Boards can help you to communicate about your symptoms, needs and preferences.

You may also want to bring visual displays to tell people about your communication rights.

The My Care Conversations is allows you to record your conversations with health-care providers to assist with recall and understanding.

Communication Friendly Consent for COVID-19 Vaccination

Create Communication Access in Your Community

Know your Communication Rights and learn about how to create accessible communities.