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Programs & Services

Addiction and Mental Health - Young Adults

This unit is designed to support individuals who are experiencing either their first psychotic episode, mental health related admission, addictions or are transitioning to adult services from child and adolescent services.

The goal of this program is to engage young adults and their families in treatment and transition of their care from an inpatient environment to the community. From the beginning of treatment initiation and planning our clients are supported by a simple transition of follow-up appointments and care through community young adult services to ensure successful community re-integration. The programing is individualized and led by the young person; reinforcing recovery, engagement and inclusive care.

Contact Details

Alberta Hospital Edmonton

Location Info
12 Building
17480 Fort Road
Edmonton, Alberta
T5Y 6A8
Getting There

Parking and public transportation.

Hours of Operation
24 hour service

Between 17 and 26 years of age and exhibiting at least one of the following criteria:

- Primary diagnosis of a DSM-IV TR Axis I Disorder and one of:

  • psychiatric symptomatology / functional disability can be managed without the need for psychiatric intensive care services
  • inability to be managed in the community with current resources
  • if there is substance abuse of dependence, it is concurrent with another Axis I disorder
  • first episode psychosis or transitional youth with an exacerbation of their existing psychotics, mood or anxiety disorder

- Decompensation of existing illnesses requiring inpatient medication readjustment or stabilization

- Benefit from specialized assessment and recovery focused programming to optimize level of functioning and facilitate successful reintegration into the community

- Ability to engage in structural programming using cognitive therapy strategies

Service Access

Healthcare providers should consult the Alberta Referral Directory for service referral information.

Referral form required.

Service Languages
Interpreters / Translators