A prescription for success

January 10, 2018

Preceptor of the Year Award celebrates AHS pharmacists who go above and beyond to guide students into new careers

Story by Danielle O’Brien

Inspirational, passionate, kind and patient-centred — these are only a few of the words that come to mind in describing the recipients of the Preceptor of the Year Award from the University of Alberta’s Faculty of Pharmacy.

The award is presented annually to pharmacists across the province who demonstrate outstanding commitment and contributions in precepting —  the teaching and supervising of students in a clinical setting that gives them practical experience with patients as well as experience in turning classroom theory into on-the-job practice.
The winners for 2017 were nominated by students based on their preceptor’s communication and collaboration abilities, professionalism, leadership and advocacy for patients and the profession.

This year’s winning pharmacists, each followed by their student’s remarks, include:

The dedication, commitment and leadership demonstrated by these winners reflects the CARES values of Alberta Health Services: compassion, accountability, respect, excellence and safety.

Many other pharmacists also received Preceptor Recognition Awards for their excellence in providing exemplary student education. For a complete list of recipients, please visit the webpage of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science.