Calgary Clinical Psychology Residency

Below you will find information about our pre-doctoral residency program, as well as information related to the careers in Psychology.

We recommend that you refer to the latest version of our brochure for an overview of our program and the application procedures. Most of the information that you need regarding application procedures, as well as contact information, can be found in this document.

Resident Applicants

We are members of the Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers (APPIC), and participate in the APPIC Matching Program. It is important that resident applicants remain aware of APPIC policies and procedures, which are available at their web site.

Resident applicants who are being considered for acceptance will be asked to complete the Training Rotation Request Form after they have been short-listed and interviewed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Resident applicants and new residents can view our FAQs for more information.



Accredited by the Canadian Psychological Association for a 6-year term, from 2017-2018 through 2023-2024.

Information regarding Canadian Psychological Association Accreditation is available at:

Accreditation Office
141 Laurier Ave West, Suite 702
Ottawa, Ontario
K1P 5J3
Toll free (in Canada): 1-888-472-0657

CPA Accreditation - Internship Programmes