Primary Care Networks (PCNs)

Primary Health Care Resource Centre

Primary Care Networks (PCNs) are created through an agreement between physicians and Alberta Health Services. PCNs follow a team-based health care model. Doctors and health care professionals work collaboratively to provide integrated care for all your primary health care needs.

The Patient’s Medical Home

The Patient’s Medical Home is the future of family medicine in Canada. Becoming a PMH means the family physician and team commit to changing the way the care is delivered in pursuit of continual improvement supported by appropriate funding and infrastructure. The College of Family Physicians of Canada has articulated the principles of the 10 PMH as pillars. In Alberta, these same principles are represented as implementation elements adapted from the Safety Net Medical Home Initiative.

Accelerating Change Transformation Team

In 2016 the support programs of Practice Management Program, Toward Optimized Practice, and PCN Program Management Office began work together to better integrate the support and change services. These programs officially merged on November 1, 2018 and were renamed Accelerating Change Transformation Team. ACTT’s mission is to enable system transformation in four ways:

  • Content: Find, curate, and build materials that help members and partners understand and implement the transformative changes.
  • Capacity: Help members and partners build the skill sets they need to implement the transformative changes.
  • Support: Help partners (especially PCNs) in their organizations to do the hard work of leading and implementing change.
  • Influence: Influence policy, practice, funding and services of other groups (founders, AHS, HQCA, etc.) to maximize the chances of successful transformative change.