Patients Collaborating with Teams (PaCT)

Primary Health Care Resource Centre

Patients Collaborating with Teams (PaCT) is a partnership between Alberta Health Services (AHS) and the Alberta Medical Association - Toward Optimized Practice (AMA TOP) supported by patient representatives, the Health Quality Council of Alberta (HQCA) and the Alberta Cancer Prevention Legacy Fund (ACPLF).

PaCT is designed to help primary care teams better support patients who require significant support to maintain their health. At the heart of PaCT is the support to primary care providers and their teams to reach those patients who need care the most, and shift the conversation from, “What’s the matter?” to “What matters to you?”

PaCT builds on the foundational work underway by Primary Care Networks (PCNs) and member clinics in implementing the Patient’s Medical Home. It supports bringing patient centred interactions, improvements in accessscreening (ASaP) and panel together to support care coordination.


If you have questions, would like to get involved or just want to learn more, visit PaCT on the ACTT website.